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A Note From JazzHR’s CEO: I Support Black Lives Matter

A Note From JazzHR’s CEO: I Support Black Lives Matter

Like all of America over the last week, I have watched as multiple instances of the racial injustice that continue to plague our nation once again highlight our need for societal change.

The horrific killing of George Floyd and footage of a New York woman calling the police because an African-American man asked that she leash her dog are only the latest examples of our long history of racial disparity.

Watching the violence on TV last weekend with my wife and our three college-age children, I felt helpless, ashamed, and embarrassed by the systemic racism in the country they are about to enter as young adults.

In my professional life, I have avoided discussing societal and political topics in public settings. I can no longer do so. Silence on racism is complicity. And a tacit point of view is not the same as one clearly stated.

Black Lives Matter

JazzHR’s 80 team members stand shoulder to shoulder on this, resolute against racial inequality. Our Black employees, current and future, are valued and are welcome here. Equally.

  • Diversity builds better organizations, and JazzHR is proof of that.

I cannot pretend to know what it is like to live life as a Black American.   can listen and I can learn. But, I will never know.  However, all of us can choose to stand in solidarity against racial injustice.

Peaceful protests taking place all over the country are shining examples of our ability to promote awareness of our societal problems while encouraging our political and civic leaders to bring about needed change.

This week I have had candid and emotional conversations with JazzHR Black employees. I am beyond grateful for their perspective. It is clear to me, now more than ever, that we must continually strive to advance diversity, inclusion, and understanding within our company.

  • Talking the talk is not enough.  We must walk the walk.  It is our moral imperative.

With this in mind:

  • Today, I signed the CEO Pledge with CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion, committing JazzHR to further advance diversity and inclusion across our entire organization, including our Board of Directors
  • Earlier this year JazzHR launched a Diversity & Belonging group. I encourage all my colleagues to join this growing team of caring individuals
  • JazzHR’s core values are being revised to better reflect the value we place on fair and equitable treatment for all people, with Diversity and Inclusion to be strongly represented

I am fully committed to ensuring JazzHR is a welcoming home for all employees.

In these uncertain and difficult times, my fervent hope is that we all remain safe and healthy, knowing we are valued and appreciated for the individuals we are.

Pete Lamson

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Pete Lamson